Inward Building


We help hard workers like you

develop your own personal practice

so you can slow down your racing mind.

    Join our free 3-day email course or continue reading to learn more about our community and offerings.

    Community Building Credentials:

    First...A Building Block Challenge!

    Can you practice coherent breathing whilst you read on?

    Coherent Breathing consists of deep, controlled breaths at a rate of 6 seconds per inhale, 6 seconds per exhale.

    Try to sync your breath with the circle

    Ready? Let’s do it!

    What we do:

    We share and practice time-tested ways to help you…

    Regulate your nervous system

    Lower your anxiety

    Become your best self

    Our mission is to equip you for not just today, but the next year and beyond.

    How we do it:

    Our 3-step cyclical framework guides your journey forward and inward with the insights and support of a community of fellow Inward Builders.

    • How We Help

      •Curated journal prompts to guide your intention setting.

      •Monthly celebrations for communal intention sharing.

      •A community of peers for accountability and support.

    • How We Help

      •Exclusive access to a members-only channel for practice exchange.

      •Our comprehensive Building Block Toolkit with 50+ practices.

      •Monthly Full moon celebrations to enrich and share your journey.

    • How We Help

      •Regular win-sharing opportunities to celebrate progress.

      •Our long-term commitment to personal growth.

      •A new daily-practice calendar each month to keep your practice fresh.

    Building Block Challenge Complete!

    How do you feel?

    If you’re like us, this practice probably wasn’t easy. That’s great!

    Because that means there is space to grow. Growing isn’t easy.

    If you want to grow with our community, here’s how we can support you:

    Our Services

    3-Day Email Course — Free

    • In-depth look at Intention, Practice, and Embodiment

    • 3 high-ROI tools to try in under 5 minutes

    • Tips for continuing to grow your practice

    Monthly Celebrations — $55

    • Full Moon celebrations curated to each Moon’s thematic influence.

    • Expertly-led yoga, breathwork, and shared connection.

    • The privacy and comfort of your home with the support and energy of a group.

    Community — By Invitation

    • Monthly Celebration attendees are invited to join.

    • Private group channels, access to 1 year of celebrations, more benefits

    • More details are provided at our celebrations!