

Imagine uncovering the precise needs your customers are eager to satisfy…

Step 1

Pause…as I research your customers’ needs.

Pause worrying about your product-market fit for 6 weeks as I uncover the core needs of your customers with my expertise in the Jobs To Be Done (JTBD) research methodology.

Completing 10 in-depth interviews, I uncover the core jobs you’re fulfilling for your customers and use those insights to develop clear and simple strategies for your long-term outlook.

Step 2

Play, with my creative strategic insights.

Turn insights into action with creative strategies that leverage the power of JTBD research, a top-20 program MBA degree, and inventive thinking.

I specialize in crafting cost-efficient, high-reward strategic plans. Expect to see a fusion of innovation and practicality, leading to tangible growth in your bottom line and your customer satisfaction.

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